Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Introduction to a Looming Crisis

As a sustainability designer and engineer I see everyday the train wreak our society has created, we can be compared to a heard of Bison running out of control toward the cliff and nothing in our way to stop us. We have become parasitic zombies that roam the Earth and suck Her resources until we hear the slurp of the straw reach the bottom of the glass. We have created endless mono-cultures not only in farming but in work places, schools, finances, and health care. We spend our days roaming around in the same daily routine like cattle going to slaughter and the masses are fine with this. History has taught us one very valuable thing and that lesson is that ALL mono-cultures and all unsustainable things END in collapse and the Earth will resume Her business without them and return to homeostasis. We have poorly used technology in the way that we have actually created more work for the masses rather than less, we have used our technologies in a greedy selfish way, a way that is only beneficial to it's creators and the benefit is profits and the cost is lives and damage to the earth. Our species has to make a change and has to do it now!

Modern farming technology plows the ground, burns mass amounts of fuel, sprays chemicals and only TAKES from the land. Plowing does fairly severe damage to the soil and soil biology, we think we are aerating the soil and doing good but what we are really doing is creating a hard pan under the loose soil and we are over oxygenating the soil so much the soil biology eats up the organic matter (or whats left) at break neck speeds. When we plow we disturb the natural biology and ecosystem, we break up natural "holes" left by worms and rotted roots, we loosen the soil and create erosion from air and wind and we allow the land to be exposed to the elements which causes water evaporation and sun damage. By forgoing the plow and returning organic matter to the soil with cover crops we create a natural and sustainable system, one that retains water, one that is full of biodiversity and one that takes a whole lot less work and fuel to maintain. We let the worms and decaying roots create aeration and we allow the bacterias and fungi to break the organic matter down into usable forms for the plants. You see chemical "miracle grow"  fertilizers work just like steroids, they give a huge boost for a short term but then run out, this creates peaks and valleys in growth and causes the pocket book to run dry. A natural system consistently feeds and waters the plant and creates a stable environment for it to thrive. In the unnatural system the plants are stressed, this stress is what causes "bugs" and disease to come in, and when you have hundreds of acres of the same "crop" it is a gold mine for these things. When a plant or animal is stressed or sick it sends out indicators to "predators" to come end it's life because in nature only the strongest survive and are allowed to reproduce, this is natural selection. This monoculture makes it easy for the "bugs" to find, one color and one smell. In a natural system we have a poly-culture (multiple crops), we may have wheat with clover and plant beneficial bug attractors within the system, or we may have rye and field peas or corn, clover and beans.  The point is we confuse the predators and we attract the defenders, we shade the ground and leave some for the earth. We spray "weeds" to keep them out of the monoculture, these "weeds" are not weeds at all but a pioneer plant there trying to fix a problem. Thistle, burdock and dandelion are all indicators of a compacted soil and a soil that is deficient in minerals, looking at the weed will usually tell you the exact deficiency in the soil. Every plant has a job, some fix iron, some fix compaction, some hold the soil together, the point is we no longer OBSERVE what Mother Nature is telling us, we only give our monoculture plants the three basics to live (N-P-K) and pay no attention to the colloidal mineral content or the health of the soil. Natural systems however work together, they are companions, ones strength helps the others weakness, we end the need for chemical fertilizers and biocides that pollute the Earth and contaminate our water and bodies.

Our healthcare system is not a healthcare system at all, it does not promote health nor does it promote cures, what it in fact promotes are quarterly profits. For thousands of years the indigenous people used food as medicine, they knew the real key to health. Like the chemical fertilizer we're only covering up a problem not fixing it, we create a mono culture in our health. Using good diet and great foods we create a polyculture health care system and one that is sustainable and proven over tens of thousands of years, no ill side effects, no costly prescriptions and nothing that is invasive to our bodies, just good health using a fuel we need anyway. Sickness and disease are caused by malnutrition and toxin build up in the body, fix those problems and find health.

Our children's education and our finances are handed over to another monoculture, we put full faith in corrupted and overloaded systems and then expect big results. We rip our children at age five from their Moms and Dads and shut them in a room full of children their own age like mice in a cage. We give them a cookie cutter education when in reality each child has his or her own way of learning and their own needs. It is not natural for a child to be torn from their parents and sent to school, it is natural for the child to stay with the parents and be around a diverse group of people. I know many reading this will say but how do we not do this, we have to work and we have bills, the answer is simple, you live an unsustainable life that causes you to have DEBT, this debt is what causes your need to be a slave and leave your children at the  cookie cutter house. Return to a sustainable life and return your family to a natural polyculture!

As our opening post We just wanted to open the eyes of our audience to the current crisis and make them aware that there is another way, there are those who can help and there is a way out. We will get into great detail of the problems and the solutions, we will learn how to work smarter and not harder, we will learn to work together and create a natural system called community. Welcome!

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